Fort Mojave Enrollment Department

Our Mission:

Weaving the legacy of the Fort Mojave Tribe into the threads of belonging, we connect generations of descendants with their ancestral home. Through unwavering dedication and efficient service, we empower members to claim their heritage and flourish within our vibrant community.

Our Vision:

A future where every descendant of the Fort Mojave Tribe stands firmly rooted in their ancestry, with their history celebrated in every community gathering. We envision a tapestry woven with pride, uniting past, present, and future generations, strengthening the Tribe's resilience for generations to come.

  • Emphasizing the department's role in linking descendants to their history and community.

  • Highlighting their commitment to swift, accessible support.

  • Focusing on exceeding expectations and building trust.

  • Enabling individuals to claim and utilize their membership.

  • Using the imagery of weaving to represent building and strengthening the community.

  • Connecting individual membership with the Tribe's history.

  • Envisioning an inclusive and united community.

  • Reflecting the importance of cultural identity and community connection.

  • Symbolizing the ongoing strength and future development of the Tribe.

Individual Benefits:

  • Official documentation of tribal membership connects individuals to their lineage and strengthens their cultural identity.

  • Enrollment opens doors to healthcare, education, housing, and other programs exclusive to tribal members.

  • Membership allows individuals to have a voice in shaping the Tribe's future through voting and leadership roles.

  • Membership fosters a sense of connection to other tribal members, providing a network of support and shared heritage.

  • Many educational opportunities are available specifically for enrolled members of federally recognized tribes.

Family and Generational Benefits:

    • Official documentation ensures the Tribe's history and traditions are passed down through generations.

    • Membership connects individuals to their extended family within the Tribe, fostering stronger relationships and shared cultural experiences.

    • Ensuring proper enrollment ensures future generations can access tribal resources and maintain their cultural heritage.

Benefits for the Tribe as a Whole:

  • Maintaining sovereignty and self-determination: Accurate enrollment records are crucial for the Tribe to maintain its legal status and authority over its land and resources.

  • Securing federal funding and resources: Accurate enrollment data is essential for securing federal funding for tribal programs and services.

  • Strengthening cultural identity and traditions: Enrollment ensures the Tribe's unique customs and language are preserved and passed down to future generations.

  • Building community cohesion and unity: A clear and accurate membership list fosters a sense of belonging and shared purpose within the Tribe.

  • Contributing to the preservation of Native American history: Accurate enrollment records contribute to a broader understanding of Native American history and culture in the United States.

  • Promoting cultural awareness and education: The Tribe can use its enrollment data to educate the public about its history, traditions, and contemporary life.

Our Enrollment Services

500 Merriman Ave
Needles, CA 92363
