Tribal Advocate

Our Mission:

Empowering the Pipa Aha Macav through fearless advocacy, safeguarding rights, and upholding tribal sovereignty within all legal systems.

  • Empowering: Supporting and strengthening tribal members to navigate legal challenges.

  • Fearless: Standing strong and resolute in defense of tribal members' rights.

  • Advocacy: Active engagement in legal proceedings to secure fairness and justice.

  • Safeguarding rights: Protecting inherent tribal rights and ensuring their respect within all legal frameworks.

  • Upholding tribal sovereignty: Asserting the Tribe's self-determination and authority in legal matters.

Our Vision:

Building a future where the Pipa Aha Macav receive equal and just legal representation, their sovereignty is revered, and their voices are heard within all courts.

  • Equal and just representation: Ensuring tribal members have access to competent legal defense on par with any other party within the legal system.

  • Revered sovereignty: Promoting widespread recognition and respect for the Tribe's inherent legal authority.

  • Voices heard: Amplifying the voices of tribal members within legal proceedings, ensuring their concerns and perspectives are acknowledged and considered.


Navigate the Labyrinth: Demystifying the Legal Maze.

  • Forget confusing legalese and endless paperwork. Imagine walking into a friendly, familiar space where Tribal Advocates, your fellow community members, stand by your side. They navigate the complexities of the legal system like seasoned trailblazers, breaking down jargon, guiding you through procedures, and connecting you with resources, translations, and cultural guidance. Think of them as your trusted sherpas, ensuring you reach your legal destination – confident and informed.

Unfurl the Eagle's Wings: Fighting for Your Sovereign Rights.

  • No more facing the system alone. Picture the Tribal Advocate department as a fortress, safeguarding your inherent rights as Pipa Aha Macav. They raise the eagle banner of tribal sovereignty in court, advocating fiercely for fair treatment within all legal systems. Whether it's protecting your land, upholding tribal laws, or defending your cultural practices, they stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you, ensuring your voice is heard loud and clear.

Weave a Net of Support: Beyond the Courthouse Walls.

  • Justice doesn't end with a gavel. The Tribal Advocate department understands that legal issues can unravel the fabric of your life. Think of them as weavers, mending the threads with a holistic approach. They connect you with support groups, social services, and community resources, helping you address the emotional, financial, and social impacts of legal challenges. With their guidance, you emerge stronger, not just from the courtroom, but in every aspect of your life.




Clyde McDowell

Physical Address:

500 Merriman Ave.

Needles, CA 92363

Mailing Address:

500 Merriman Ave.

Needles, CA 92363